Sunday, January 13, 2013

An Intro

Books are dangerous. They don't tell you this in school, but they are. A single book can make you smile, laugh, scream, or weep all within the span of a few hours. And you know what else they forget to mention? Those books stay with you forever. Seriously.

This blog is named The-Forget-Me-Not for a few reasons. The first (obvious one) is that a good story lasts with us forever. The books that have made me giggle ceaselessly or even sob uncontrollably can run through my mind years later without me even having to re-pick up the book.

The second reason is that the Forget-Me-Not is the state flower of Alaska, my home state. I haven't been to Alaska in probably 16 years and I still remember snippets here and there from my childhood.

 Forget-Me-Not. It's almost like a dare. And with that name, who can forget the Forget-Me-Not? Who can win that challenge? In the same manner, books dare us to forget them. They dare us to not laugh out loud in the middle of the psychology class you should be taking notes in. They dare us not to frantically run around the house searching for a box of kleenex as our eyes and noses leak all over the place. And mostly, they dare us to not remember them.

With this blog, I hope to pick up the gauntlet and accept the challenge. I will share the books that I have read, am reading, or will read sometime in the future. They will then be judged on whether or not I feel I will be able to forget them on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being, "Oh geez, I'll never forget this... it's The Diary of Anne Frank all over again, and 10 being, "Wait, what was that book called again?".


  1. I like your idea of a forget-me-not scale...maybe it will catch on as much as Sarick's Rule of Three!
